
Chaos and infinity

Chaos is a system with seemingly infinite possibilities. It is nevertheless subject to the laws of cause and effect, whereby the complexity of the system, which goes "to infinity", makes it extraordinarily difficult to recognize these connections/patterns and thus to "dissolve" the chaos, yes, if necessary, to control it.

The greatest possible, supposed chaos is called - universe. The nature of the complexity, of these chaotic systems (e.g. weather). originates from the to "infinity" going "tininess" of the possible causes for the observed effects (butterfly effect). In this observation and under the assumption that actually smallest causes, can achieve largest effects (which is very probable), lies the "magic of the life".
The idea of the existence of a "Laplace's demon" must therefore be refined and enriched with the realization that the knowledge of the "state of all atoms in the universe" (and of all laws of nature) at a certain point of time, is by far not sufficient to be able to predict every possible future, but the "tininess" of all given, influencing factors, can be smaller than the size of an atom, yes can be smaller than a quantum! Exactly - infinitely small, which makes the number of possible effects/progresses infinitely large and therefore not calculable, at best statistically divisible in "probability worlds".

That means in the end that we will always have to live with a “portion” of fuzziness/uncertainty (ala' Heisenberg) with regard to our prediction abilities and we can operate at the end only with statistical values, which have only limited concrete value for the individual.

The probability that there is a direct relationship of physical world and the spiritual world of consciousness, seems extremely high and therefore the probability that there are absolute values in reality (like "immovable" physical constants) is extremely low. Since in every conceivable situation a smaller or larger value can always be imagined, every imaginable scenario can also occur. We remember, our reality is created by our consciousness, by our imagination! Since we are now part of this, self-created reality and part of the universal consciousness, there can be nothing "imaginable" in the universe, which could not be (infinite possibilities). Therefore, lies in this indefinable infinity of the possibilities, finally also the possibility of the free will (because this is undoubtedly also "imaginable") ...
"God therefore doesn't play dice", but the dice are the aspects of the free will of "all" the "parts of consciousness", which finally make up God, yes, represent him together! Just as the "chaos of reality", is produced as an effect of infinitely many, small causes, which can have infinitely many effects, so the present is this infinitely small "space" between past and future, which nevertheless is EVERYTHING, which ever was and ever will be ...
... and ALL, what is and was and ever will be (the universe), is only a thought and this thought is:

                                                                              I AM! (infinite consciousness / Infinite Consciousness)